per leggere e riflettere
"Good morning - said the fox.
- Good morning - the little prince responded politely, turned around but saw no
- I'm here , - "the voice said - under the apple tree ...
- Who are you? - asked the little prince - You're very cute ...
- I am a fox - the fox said.
- Come play with me - proposed the little prince - I'm so sad ...
- I can not play with you, - said the fox - I am not tamed.
- Ah! sorry - said the little prince.
But after a moment's reflection he added:
- What does "tame"?
- You're not from these parts, you, - said the fox - that you're looking for?
- Seeking Men - said the little prince. - What does it mean
- Men - said the fox - they have guns and hunt. It is very boring!
also raise chickens. It is their sole interest. Are you looking for chickens?
- No - said the little prince. - I am looking for friends. What does it mean
- is an act too often neglected. It means "to create links" ...
- To establish ties?
- Well - said the fox. - You, so far, for me, you're not a kid
like a hundred thousand kids. And I need you. And you have no
need me. I'm not for just a fox like a hundred thousand foxes. But
if you tame me, noi avremo bisogno l'uno dell'altro. Tu sarai per me
unico al mondo, e io sarò per te unica al mondo.
- Comincio a capire - disse il piccolo principe - C'è un fiore... credo che
mi abbia addomesticato...
- È possibile - disse la volpe. - Capita di tutto sulla Terra...
- Oh! non è sulla Terra - disse il piccolo principe.
La volpe sembrò perplessa:
- Su un altro pianeta?
- Si.
- Ci sono dei cacciatori su questo pianeta?
- No.
- Questo mi interessa! E delle galline?
- No.
- Nothing is perfect - sighed the fox.
But the fox returned to his idea
- My life is monotonous. I hunt chickens, and men give
hunt me. All chickens are just alike, and all the men
alike. And I'm bored, so. But if you tame me, my life will be like
lit. Know the sound of steps that will be unlike any other
. Other steps send me hurrying back underground. Yours, I will
out of my burrow like music. And then, look! See, down there,
wheat fields? I do not eat the bread and grain for me is useless. Fields of wheat
say nothing to me. And this is sad! But you have hair
color of gold. Then it will be wonderful when you have tamed me. The
wheat, which is also golden, will remind me of you. And love the sound of wind in the wheat
The fox gazed long the little prince
- Please ... tame - he said.
- I have - said the little prince - but do not have much time. I have to find
friends, and I know many things.
- not only understands the things you tame - said the fox. - The
people no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things already made
. But there is no shop with friends, men do not have
more friends. If you want a friend, tame me!
- What should I do? - Asked the little prince.
- must be very patient - answered the fox. - First you will
will sit a little away from me, so the grass. I will keep you out of the corner
eye and you will say nulla. Le parole sono una fonte di
malintesi. Ma ogni giorno tu potrai sederti un pò più vicino...
Il piccolo principe ritornò l'indomani.
- Sarebbe stato meglio ritornare alla stessa ora - disse la volpe. - Se tu
vieni, per esempio, tutti i pomeriggi alle quattro, dalle tre io comincerò ad
essere felice. Col passare dell'ora aumenterà la mia felicità. Quando saranno
le quattro, incomincerò ad agitarmi e a inquietarmi; scoprirò il prezzo
della felicità! Ma se tu vieni non si sa quando, io non saprò mai a che ora
prepararmi il cuore... Ci vogliono riti.
- Che cos'è un rito? - disse il piccolo principe.
- Anche questa è una cosa da tempo dimenticata - disse la volpe. - È quello
che fa un giorno diverso dagli altri giorni, un'ora dalle altre ore. C'è un
rito, per esempio, presso i miei cacciatori. Il giovedì ballano con le
ragazze del villaggio. Allora il giovedì è un giorno meraviglioso! Io mi
spingo sino alla vigna. Se i cacciatori ballassero in un giorno qualsiasi, i
giorni si assomiglierebbero tutti, e non avrei mai vacanza.
Così il piccolo principe tamed the fox. And when the hour of departure drew near
- Ah! - Said the fox - ... cry.
- It's your fault, - said the little prince - I did not want to hurt you,
but you wanted me to tame you ...
- It's true - the fox said.
- But you cry! - Said the little prince.
- is certain - the fox said.
- So that it for you?
- We gain - said the fox - the color of wheat.
Then he added:
- Go again at the roses. You will understand that yours is unique. When
return to say goodbye, I'll give you a secret.
The little prince went away again at the roses.
- You are not at all like my rose, yet you are nothing -
said. - No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one.
You are like my fox. He was only a fox like a hundred thousand
other. But I have made my friend and now he is unique in the world.
And the roses were very uncomfortable.
- You are beautiful, but you are empty - he went on. - You can not die for you.
Certainly, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you, but
her, she alone is the most important of all you, because it is that I have watered.
Why is she that I put under the glass. Why is she that I
sheltered behind the screen. Because for her that I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three
for butterflies). Why is she that I have heard complaining or bragging, or even
sometimes silent. Why is my rose.
And he went back to the fox.
- Farewell - he said.
- Farewell - said the fox. - Here's my secret. It is very simple: You do not
see that with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
- What is essential is invisible to the eye - the little prince repeated, for
- This is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important
- This is the time I have wasted for my rose ... - Said the little prince
to remember.
And pour on the grass and wept.
- Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are
responsible for your rose ...
- I am responsible for my rose ... - Repeated the little prince to
remember. "
is a beautiful song to reflect a bit '
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