Thursday, April 29, 2010

Krake Mounte Blade Expansao


Primavera... Tempo di comunioni, battesimi e matrimoni e quindi mi sono messa all’opera. Ho realizzato (con il prezioso aiuto del maritino) un tableau per la comunione del mio nipotino, nonché figlioccio, Emiliano.

L’idea di partenza è stata proprio la sua: grande appassionato calcium and Roma fan with a love for Barcelona chose three players from each of the two teams.

The rest was an idea coming out of my cerebellum and Danilo.

The phases were: purchase of 4mm thick plywood, cementite, acrylic color green grass left to dry. With the masking tape Danilo has made the lines of the football field.

After printing color images at full length of the players, I cut and pasted (with a god mix of water and PVA glue) to the tableau with their names always printed in color.

To mark the tables, the husband had a brilliant idea: Frames of Ikea with a small field within football team (made by us as the tableau) with the name of the table (player name) and the badge of membership of the team.

Once dry the paint matte finish as I went, I wrote the names of the guests with a permanent marker (the ones from CD).

What do you think?

Hello, Momma


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