Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hitching Sailboat Rides

Concorsino handsome ...

At the suggestion of the legendary Gata I entered the contest on the blog and its Shabby

I submitted to the contest tile newlyweds, so please vote!! !

Hello, Monica

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brittany Stone Shower

More photos ... New Creations

Here I am with other pictures of pendants made of polymer clay and cernit. Hello!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Baby Sleep Blogger Templates

Ciao a tutti. Finalmente riesco ad aggiornare il mio povero blog... Voglio postarvi le mie ultime creazioni di pasta sintetica in vista del natale (anche se con queste temperature sembra in arrivo Pasqua...). Dato che sto scrivendo dal cellulare non riuscirò a sistemare bene le foto e dunque vi anticipo che tutto è realizzato in fimo e cernit con l'aggiunta a volte di glitter prima della cottura, per le perle uso come finitura una vernice opaca. Ciao!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Afib And Low Hemoglobin

Eccomi qui cercando di stare dietro a tutto e correndo sempre... Fortunatamente riesco, anche se non come vorrei, a fare i miei lavori. La prima è una collana realizzata per la mia amica Tiziana partendo da un charm di Hello Kitty della sua bimba Martina.Le perle sono in fimo realizzate con la tecnica delle murrine.

La seconda foto è del mio primo ciondolo Hello Kitty. Ovviamente è realizzato tutto con il fimo ed è alto circa 3 cm.

Che ne dite? Ciao a tutti Momma

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beldray Ironing Board

Gattomodelli My latest creations ...

Dunque, dunque...
Eccomi qui dopo un pò di giorni di assenza ma purtroppo sto lavorando molto anche se non al mio lavoro preferito ma a quello ufficiale (di nome e di fatto).
Mi ripresento qui con delle fortine niente male che ho scattato ai due amori in un momento di strana calma...
La prima picture appears but is not ...

Pelosetta My darling in this photo, entitled Kill Bill Sandy, it looks really bad but instead has only the expression of a champion of justice ... =)

In fact here is much more fashionable but also more "easygoing" ...

I must say that it is difficult also because his picture has always been committed to scratching on the sofa or furniture or meowing because he wants to drink from the tap in the bathroom sink ...

Desmo however does not care much about her and her sister makes a blizzard he has any place that can hold ...

In this case, chose the bag pc hubby ...

Last night also throwing garbage, I noticed 5-6 kittens beautiful, white and gray will be about 3 months and that they are walking around the neighborhood with her mother. I got home I picked up the cans and the two Pelosetta Pelosini I brought to those who have eaten with 3 minutes to ... Fortunately, there is the park and then they often see them in there for a walk ... What
effort that I do not take home ... But every now and then some crunchy .... =)

Hello, Momma

Monday, October 5, 2009

Port Royal Vista Installer

A dream come true ...

Yes, after many years of catching up I've done it!
I shook the hand of the great LIGA! I understand
that for some may seem silly but for me it was a dream come true ...
The concert arena in Verona is beautiful, different from others because Luciano has played well with his band with the orchestra of the Arena.
Among the most exciting moments, the first song "Light" where the entire audience had the candles lit that we have been given entry, the song "The day of grief that has a" where Luciano has reminded many people who wanted be at the concert but not that they made it because there are more ...
course of all this that I have to thank absolutely hubby si è fatto due giorni alla guida Roma-Verona andata e ritorno e che per farmi dare la mano al Liga ha aspettato con me fuori l’arena per più di un’ora…
Ringrazio anche Stefanino ed Emanuela che ci hanno regalato i biglietti di questo meraviglioso concerto.

Che dire di più… Liga sei un grande!
Ciao, Momma

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Used Scion Tc Muffler

Ciao a tutti!
Mi sono iscritta ad un concorso per lavori in pasta sintetica. Ho presentato 3 lavori: gli sposini, la tegola con sposini e uno dei tanti ciondoli a fiore che faccio.
Se vi va di votarmi su questo link potete farlo
To vote you must register but it is completely free.
My works can be found as a Momma72, Momma72 Momma72 2 and 3.

THANKS !!!!!
Hello, Momma

Monday, September 28, 2009

Little Einsteinsrocket Tent

Competition on Saturday in the village

Last Saturday we organized a lunch at home with hubby's family to celebrate his birthday.
We were 14 people (including 2 small children, the beautiful aunt) so I opted for a substantial and varied menu.
My only regret is that, given the things to do, I could not photograph anything but the two desserts on her cell phone ... = (
However, the menu included :
Bars: prunes dressed in bacon (browned in the oven for me are very good e particolari con il loro gusto agrodolce).
Primo piatto : fettuccine fatte in casa alla Leonardo (la sera del compleanno del maritino abbiamo festeggiato nel ristorante dove ci siamo sposati e abbiamo mangiato delle fettuccine con un sugo spettacolare: guanciale, melanzane e pomodorini e quindi ho copiato subito...), ho fatto 12 uova di fettuccine!!! Ovviamente con l'aiuto del robottino, della nonna papera e di mia cognata Daniela che mi ha dato una mano a girare...
Due secondi : polpettine alla Momma (metà carne macinata di vitello e metà di maiale, uovo, parmigiano, sale, prezzemolo, mollica di pane strizzata dal latte e olive verdi sminuzzate) le ho fatte rosolare qualche minutes in a pan with a little oil and then put them in a pan and stuck in the oven. At the bottom of baking pan I added some white wine and a nut and I wet with the sauce the meatballs in the oven. I liked very, very soft.
The other second was a timbale of the grandmother (my grandmother's, is made with a layer of potatoes cut into thick slices about 1 / 2 cm, sausage, mushrooms into thin slices, mozzarella, parsley, olive oil and salt a another layer of potatoes, another layer of ingredients and the last layer of potatoes. salt and oil and bake at 180 degrees until potatoes are colored a bit. Here there was the invaluable help of my nephew Lorenzo, who is studying to become cook ...
Serve with a simple mixed salad.
For dessert I made an experiment and a simple thing: the experiment was the ricotta tart to Laura (my partner bought me a new pastry chocolate Giovanni Rana that I could not find in the super and the recipe I made this tart fast, with ricotta cheese with sugar, an egg and chocolate chips, good and fast), the other was the mille-feuille "Run Run" (produced by hubby with puff pastry and pastry cream with the addition of chocolate chips on three layers, good).
I was really happy because I came all good (at least I liked it all) just little sorry for not having had time to take pictures to witness deel my work =)
Even if the husband says that too much stuff and I always stress that in the end, I think the dinner went well and we were together nicely . Best wishes and thanks because my hubby always help ...

Hello, Momma